211: A vital service for HELP

During this crisis, more people than ever need help. 211 is there when you have nowhere else to turn.




When you need help in a crisis, where can you turn? 



These three numbers can offer a lot of help. During this global crisis, 211 has responded to thousands of calls, texts and emails and provided help that people in our community need.


It’s all because when people contact 211 they get caring, expert help. The real people—trained 211 specialists—on the other end of the 24/7 hotline identify the root causes of a client’s problems and connect them to local resources such as:


  • Housing

  • Food

  • Medical and mental health care

  • Job training

  • Child care 

  • Legal assistance

  • Addiction treatment

  • Disaster recovery

  • Transportation

  • Financial coaching

  • Disability resources

  • Veterans services

  • Volunteer opportunities

  • More


211, funded in part by United Way of Central Georgia, fielded more than 11 million calls across the country in 2018, as well as almost 1 million texts, chats, and emails, plus another 13 million web searches. That adds up to tens of millions of lives changed through this vital national service.


If you need help, please reach out to 211 by clicking here and following the prompts.


If you want to offer help, you can keep 211 going by donating today.



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