United Way of Central Georgia 's mission is to increase the organized capacity of people in Central Georgia communities to care for one another, and by working collaboratively, to disrupt the cycle of poverty in our community.

Disrupting the cycle of family poverty is a crucial goal in Central Georgia. The region faces long-standing challenges, such as limited access to child care, low literacy rates, and inadequate affordable housing. These issues contribute to the persistence of poverty and hinder the overall well-being of families in the community.

United Way of Central Georgia takes a proactive approach to tackle the root causes of poverty in the region. Through data-driven investing, UWCG identifies gaps in services and understands the unique needs of each zip code within the community. By connecting with numerous nonprofits, governments, businesses, and community leaders, United Way ensures coordination and alignment of efforts to maximize impact.

Together, with the collective effort of partners and stakeholders, United Way of Central Georgia is working towards disrupting the cycle of family poverty, empowering individuals and families to achieve greater financial stability and overall well-being.


United for Alice

ALICE stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed, and represents the growing number of working families who are unable to afford the basics of housing, childcare, food, transportation, healthcare, and technology. 

Learn more here.



Our focus areas

Childhood and Youth Success


United Way of Central Georgia is dedicated to supporting Education programs that foster the growth of strong learners, ensuring a brighter future for our community.

Through strategic initiatives and partnerships, United Way of Central Georgia is committed to promoting the development of strong learners, paving the way for a thriving and educated community.

Economic Mobility

Economic and Social Mobility

United Way of Central Georgia is deeply committed to building healthier, housing-secure, and financially stable households, fostering a resilient and thriving community.