Golden Eagle Awards

GEA Logo 2025

The Golden Eagle Awards was established in 1978 to celebrate and honor Central Georgia’s highest achieving, engaged, and hard-working high school seniors. United Way of Central Georgia is continuing the long-standing tradition of honoring outstanding public, private, and home school senior students throughout Central Georgia. We present 14 student award categories.  



The 14 student categories are: Art, Athletics, Career/Technical/Agriculture (CTAE), Chris Allers' Citizenship Award, Drama, English Literature, Journalism/Marketing/Communications, Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC), Math, Music, Science, Social Science, Technology, and World Languages.

High school seniors are nominated by their schools and judged by a panel of experts in each of the categories. Winners in 14 categories receive recognition at the Golden Eagle annual awards ceremony, a GE trophy, and a $2000 scholarship. A runner-up is also selected from these 14 categories with each receiving recognition at the GE annual awards ceremony, a GE plaque, and a $1000 scholarship. All GE nominees receive a graduation cord. 


In 2021 United Way expanded the Teacher Excellence Award to include both teachers and student support service staff (counselors, social workers, and psychologists). This award is now named the Sylvia W. McGee Excellence in Education Award. The award is named in honor of Sylvia McGee who spent 35 years with the Bibb County School District, retiring as Deputy Superintendent after serving as Interim Superintendent. Coming out of retirement, she spent over five years leading United Way of Central Georgia‘s Read United program.

The Sylvia W. McGee Excellence in Education Award winner receives a crystal award and a gift of $1000.

Have you been nominated by your school for a 2025 Golden Eagle Award? Submit your application here

Information about the application and interview process can be found in the 2025 Golden Eagle Awards Guidebook. If you are a coordinator or applicant with questions or needing contact information, please review the guidebook. 

Presenting Sponsor

PPC Partners Inc. | Careers for electrical service and construction and  mechanical services


Host Sponsor

Assistant/Associate Professor, Technical Communication at Mercer University  - IEEE Professional Communication Society


Supporting Sponsor

Central Georgia Breaking News, Sports & Crime | Macon Telegraph


For more information about Golden Eagle Awards please contact:


JoLee Henson Carlson

Community Relations Coordinator, Education